Dynamic proxy, as its name suggests, supports an SEI dynamically at run time without requiring any code generation of a stub class that implements a specific SEI. 动态代理,正如它的名字暗示的,能在运行时动态的支持一个SEI而不需要产生任何代码实现一个特定的SEI。
And in the long run, you'll save time and money by reusing code rather than going through a whole development cycle for new code. 就长期来看,通过重用代码(而不是花上一个完整的开发周期来开发新代码),您将节省时间和资金。
For example, if the JVM cannot find a class required by custom code at test run time, IBM Rational Agent Controller will ignore the custom code and act as if it had returned null. 例如,如果在测试运行时JVM不能找到定制代码所需的类,那么IBMRationalAgentController将忽略定制代码并认为它应该返回null。
Properties can be used to change the behavior of a component at run time without making code changes. 属性用于在运行时更改组件行为,不用更改代码。
A short and clever Emacs script, for example, will allow you to run and time XQuery code that you are editing merely by highlighting the code and hitting a key combination. 例如,一个精巧的Emacs脚本允许您运行您正在编辑的XQuery代码并测量代码的执行时间,您需要做的只是突出显示相应代码并敲击一个组合键。
A CriteriaQuery is constructed at run time as a tree of strongly typed query expressions whose use the article has illustrated with a series of code examples. CriteriaQuery在运行时被构建为一个强类型查询表达式树,本文通过一系列例子展示了它的用法。
This can be a great tool for building flexible code that can be hooked together at run time without the need for any source code links between classes. 这可能是构建灵活代码的极佳工具,可以不使用类之间任何源代码链接就能够在运行时将代码挂接在一起。
If the source control system is ClearCase, pc_find_tests can be installed as ClearCase triggers so it will automatically run a set of appropriate tests each time a code change is checked in. 如果源控制系统是ClearCase的话,pcfindtests可以作为ClearCase激发器安装,这样每次检入一个代码更改的时候,它都能自动运行一系列的合适测试。
This means they aren't run every time during a test run, such as in a code check-in within a CI environment. 这意味着,在运行一个测试时不必每次都运行JUnitPerf测试,例如在一个CI环境中签入代码。
It lets you build flexible code that can be assembled at run time without requiring source code links between components. 它使您能够创建灵活的代码,这些代码可以在运行时装配,无需在组件之间进行源代表链接。
Otherwise, you do not need to import other WebSphere run time JARs; at run time, the generated EJB proxy code and client container code load the classes from the WebSphere thin client classloader. 否则,您无需导入其它WebSphere运行时JAR;在运行期间,已生成的EJB代理服务器代码以及客户端容器代码装载WebSphere瘦客户端类库加载器中的类。
If the test class doesn't run, spend your time getting XPath support working before spending hours on writing code that might not work when it counts. 如果测试类不能运行,那么请在编写代码之前花点时间获得XPath支持,否则编写的代码可能不会正常运行。
At run time, you can manipulate the inner HTML code of this tag using JavaScript to display other content. 在运行时,可以使用JavaScript操纵该标记的内部HTML代码,以显示其他内容。
There's no framework to update the JAR files dynamically at run time whenever there's a code change. 没有用于在运行时出现代码更改的情况下动态更新JAR文件的框架。
Unfortunately, you have to run jQuery on the page every time and the code has to be executed manually which is not very convenient. 不幸的是,您必须每次都要在页面上运行jQuery,而且代码必须要手动执行,这显然很不方便。
The knowledge of the format is not in the parser but in the model, which is either accessed directly by the parser at run time, or generated into code that the parser invokes. 有关格式的知识不在解析器中,而是在模型中,模型可由解析器在运行时直接访问,或者将其生成为解析器可调用的代码。
The annotations approach allows you to use different JAXB implementations at run time without needing to change your source code or recompile your classes. 注释方法允许您在无需修改源代码或重新编译类的情况下在运行时使用不同的JAXB实现。
Once the FESI run time receives the WindowClosing event, the EcmaScript code fragment assigned to onWindowClosing will be executed. 一旦在FESI运行期接受了WindowClosing事件,分配给onWindowClosing的EcmaScript代码片段就会被执行。
At run time, your code can retrieve the ConnectionFactory and the connections returned from it will be able to transparently connect to your JMS server. 在运行时,代码可以检索ConnectionFactory,而从中返回的连接将能够透明地连接到JMS服务器。
For example, the trace group "ChannelFrameworkService" traces both the channel framework component code, as well as the run time code that interacts with the channel framework. 例如,跟踪组“ChannelFrameworkService”同时跟踪通道框架组件代码和与通道框架交互的运行时代码。
With OSGi, you can update the bundles dynamically at run time whenever there's a code change. 通过OSGi,可以在运行时出现更改的情况下随时动态更新包。
At run time, the master page is merged with the content page, so the controls on the master page are accessible to content page code. 在运行时,母版页与内容页合并,因此内容页的代码可以访问母版页上的控件。